(資料 no.1) OpenGLをつかったプログラムのコンパイル ================================================== C : gcc -o glsamp glsamp.c -L/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lGLU FPC: ppc386 glsamp (資料 no.2) 簡単なパスカルコードと 同等の C、 Perlコード ======================================================= sample.pas ---------- program sample; {$ifdef WIN32} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$endif} uses SysUtils; const Defs = 'hello pascal!'; var s: string; begin { パラメータがあれば大文字 } s:= 'HELLO PASCAL!'; if paramCount <> 0 then writeln(s) else writeln(Defs); end. samplec.c --------- #include #define defs "HELLO C!\n" char* s; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { s = "hello c!\n"; /* パラメータがあれば大文字 */ if (argc != 1) { printf(defs); } else { printf(s); } return 0; } sample.pl --------- #!/usr/bin/perl $Lowcase = "hello perl!\n"; $Upcase = "HELLO PERL!\n"; if ($ARGV[0] eq '') { print $Lowcase; } else { print $Upcase; } (資料 no.3) プログラムとユニット ================================ program foo; const maxdata = 1000; ... var c: Char; x: Integer; ... procedure boo; begin ... end; begin ... end. unit bee; interface uses Linux, SysUtils; const var implementation procedure.. function.. end. (資料 no.4) オブジェクトパスカル ================================== objsample.pas ------------- (* * object pascal sample program * *) {$MODE DELPHI} program objsample; uses uObjsample; var sample : TSample; begin sample:= TSample.Create; sample.Value:= 300; sample.TestPrint; sample.Free; end. uObjesample.pas --------------- (* * uObjsample.pas * *) {$MODE DELPHI} unit uObjsample; interface type TSample = class(TObject) private FValue: Integer; public procedure TestPrint; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; property Value: Integer read FValue write FValue; end; var sample : TSample; implementation constructor TSample.Create; begin inherited; FValue:= 100; end; destructor TSample.Destroy; begin inherited; end; procedure TSample.TestPrint; begin Inc(FValue); writeln('output from TSample : value is ',FValue); end; { TSample } end. (資料 no.5) C のライブラリをリンクした例 =========================================== cfunc.c ------- /* * cfunc.c - test C function */ #include void testcfunc() { printf("this is a test c function\n"); } callc.pp -------- (* * callc.pp - C の関数をインポートする。 *) program callc; {$linklib c} {$L cfunc.o} { Declaration for the C function } Function strlen(P: pchar): longint; cdecl; external; procedure testcfunc; cdecl; external; begin testcfunc; WriteLn(strlen('Programming is easy!')); end. (資料 NO.6) Linux 上でのFPCとWindows上でのDelpi =============================================== (* * listfp.dpr * listfp [option] pathname [outfile] * c.f listfp -p C:\tmp\fpc-1.00\rtl\linux linuxfp.txt * * option: -p *.ppファイルを検索(デフォルト) * -s *.pasファイルを検索 * -d *.dprファイルを検索 * -i *.incファイルを検索 * このオプションは余計なファイルを検索しないため、 * * Delphiでコンパイルする場合には、プロジェクトオプション * ディレクトリ/条件の「条件定義」に「WIN32」を追加する。 * listfp.cfg に-DWIN32が追加されます。 * * fpcでコンパイルするときは、コマンドラインで * $ ppc386 listfp.dpr -dLINUX * * バグ:問題点は宣言が2行以上にまたがるときに対応していないところ。 * *) program listfp; //{$define DEBUG} {$ifdef WIN32} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$else LINUX} {$MODE DELPHI} {$endif} uses SysUtils {$ifdef LINUX} ,Linux ,Dos {$endif} ; const tokenimp = 'implementation'; tokenfunc = 'function'; tokenproc = 'procedure'; space = $20; tab = $09; lf = $0D; cr = $0A; {$ifdef LINUX} demi = '/'; {$else WIN32} demi = '\'; {$endif} var {$ifdef LINUX} sr: SearchRec; outF: Text; {$else WIN32} sr: TSearchRec; outF: TextFile; {$endif} dirname, path, targetExt, FullFileName, outputFileName: String; lcnt: array[0..2] of Integer; (* idx 0:func, 1:proc, 2:sum *) i: Integer; procedure MakefpFile(FileName: string); var inF: Text; ch: Char; tmpstr,line: String; tokenf,tokenp,tokeni: String; i: Integer; begin AssignFile(inF,FileName); Reset(inF); WriteLn(FileName); WriteLn(outF,FileName); WriteLn(outF); line:= ''; while not Eof(inF) do begin Read(inF,Ch); if Ord(Ch) <> cr then line:= line + Ch else begin tmpstr:= Trim(line); tokenf:= Copy(tmpstr,1,Length(tokenfunc)); tokenp:= Copy(tmpstr,1,Length(tokenproc)); tokeni:= Copy(tmpstr,1,Length(tokenimp)); if LowerCase(tokenf) = tokenfunc then begin WriteLn(outF,tmpstr); lcnt[0]:= lcnt[0] + 1; lcnt[2]:= lcnt[2] + 1; end; if LowerCase(tokenp) = tokenproc then begin WriteLn(outF,tmpstr); lcnt[1]:= lcnt[1] + 1; lcnt[2]:= lcnt[2] + 1; end; if LowerCase(tokeni) = tokenimp then Break; line:= ''; end; end; WriteLn(outF); WriteLn(outF,'function: ',lcnt[0], ' procedure: ',lcnt[1]); WriteLn(outF); for i:=0 to 1 do lcnt[i]:= 0; CloseFile(inF); end; (* パラメータなしで起動したとき出力する使い方 *) procedure usage; begin WriteLn('.pp, .pas, .dprファイルから関数と手続きの宣言をリストします。'); WriteLn('implementation部までを走査しますので、implementation部のない'); WriteLn('ソースは実装部の名称をそのままリストします。'); WriteLn('構文:'); WriteLn(' getfrpu [option] path [output]'); WriteLn('オプション - option:'); WriteLn(' -p pathで.ppファイルを検索。(デフォルト)'); WriteLn(' -s pathで.pasファイルを検索。'); WriteLn(' -d pathで.dprファイルを検索。'); WriteLn(' -i pathで.incファイルを検索。'); WriteLn('パス - path:'); WriteLn(' 検索対象ディレクトリを指定(必須)'); WriteLn('出力 - output:'); WriteLn(' 出力ファイル名(デフォルトFuncProc.txt)'); WriteLn; WriteLn('Good Luck!'); WriteLn; end; (* メインルーチン *) begin TargetExt:= '*.pp'; OutputFileName:= 'FuncProc.txt'; for i:=0 to 2 do lcnt[i]:= 0; case ParamCount of 0:begin usage; Exit; end; 1:begin if ParamStr(1)[1] = '-' then begin if ParamStr(1)[2] ='h' then begin usage; Exit; end; WriteLn('parameter few'); Exit; end; dirname:= ParamStr(1); end; 2:begin if ParamStr(1)[1] = '-' then begin case ParamStr(1)[2] of 'p': TargetExt:= '*.pp'; 's': TargetExt:= '*.pas'; 'd': TargetExt:= '*.dpr'; 'i': TargetExt:= '*.inc'; 'h': begin usage; Exit; end; else begin WriteLn('unknown option'); Exit; end; end; dirname:= ParamStr(2); end else begin dirname:= ParamStr(1); OutputFileName:= ParamStr(2); end; end; 3:begin if ParamStr(1)[1] = '-' then begin case ParamStr(1)[2] of 'p': TargetExt:= '*.pp'; 's': TargetExt:= '*.pas'; 'd': TargetExt:= '*.dpr'; 'i': TargetExt:= '*.inc'; 'h': begin usage; Exit; end; else begin WriteLn('unknown option'); Exit; end; end; dirname:= ParamStr(2); OutputFileName:= ParamStr(3); end else begin WriteLn('parameter miss match'); Exit; end; end; else begin WriteLn('agrument miss much'); Exit; end; end; path:= dirname + demi + TargetExt; {$ifdef DEBUG} WriteLn('dirname: ', dirname); WriteLn('path: ', path); WriteLn('TargetExt: ', TargetExt); WriteLn('OutputFileName: ', OutputFileName); Exit; {$endif} AssignFile(outF,OutputFileName); ReWrite(outF); WriteLn(outF,'listfp report - ' + DateTimeToStr(Now)); WriteLn(outF); {$ifdef LINUX} FindFirst(path,anyfile, sr); while DosError = 0 do begin fullfilename:= dirname + demi + sr.Name; WriteLn(FullFileName); MakefpFile(FullFileName); FindNext(sr); end; {$else WIN32} if FindFirst(path, faAnyFile, sr) = 0 then begin fullfilename:= dirname + demi + sr.Name; MakefpFile(FullFileName); while FindNext(sr) = 0 do begin fullfilename:= dirname + demi + sr.Name; MakefpFile(FullFileName); end; end; {$endif} WriteLn(outF,'total count: ',lcnt[2]); WriteLn('total count: ',lcnt[2]); WriteLn; FindClose(sr); CloseFile(outF); end. (資料 no.7) CGI プログラム ========================== menu.html --------- visitor data


cgi_post.pas ------------ program cgi_post; uses linux; const max_data = 1000; type datarec = record name,value : string; end; var data : array[1..max_data] of datarec; i,nrdata : longint; tmp : integer; c : char; literal,aname : boolean; f : Text; entry : Text; cnt : longint; { euc code URLコード変換のための16進数取得 } function HexStrToInt(c : Char):Integer; begin case c of '0'..'9': HexStrToInt:= Ord(c) - 48; 'A'..'F': HexStrToInt:= Ord(c) - 55; 'a'..'f': HexStrToInt:= Ord(c) - 87; else HexStrToInt:= 0; end; { case } end; begin writeln ('Content-type: text/html'); writeln; if getenv('REQUEST_METHOD')<>'POST' then begin writeln ('This script should be referenced with a METHOD of POST'); halt(1); end; if getenv('CONTENT_TYPE')<>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' then begin writeln ('This script can only be used to decode form results'); halt(1) end; nrdata:=1; aname:=true; { URLデータの取得と分析 } while not eof(input) do begin literal:=false; read(c); if c = '\' then begin literal:=true; read(c); end; if literal or (( c <> '=') and ( c <> '&')) then with data[nrdata] do begin if c = '%' then begin read(c); tmp:= HexStrToInt(c); Tmp:= tmp shl 4; read(c); tmp:= tmp + HexStrToInt(c); if aname then name:= name + Char(tmp) else value:= value + Char(tmp); end else if aname then name:= name + c else value:= value + c; end else begin if c ='&' then begin inc (nrdata); aname:=true; end else aname:=false; end; end; { エントリー番号の取得と更新 } assign(entry,'Count'); reset(entry); readln(entry,cnt); inc(cnt); rewrite(entry); writeln(entry,cnt); close(entry); { 入力データの登録 } assign(f,'databank'); append(f); write(f,'entry ',cnt,' '); for i:=1 to nrdata do write(f,data[i].name,' ',data[i].value,' '); writeln(f); close(f); { 入力データの再表示 } writeln(''); writeln('


'); writeln('
'); writeln(''); writeln('
'); writeln('

登録しました。'); writeln('

ブラウザの「戻る」でまえの画面に戻ってください。'); writeln(''); end. cgi_post.cgi ------------ #!/usr/bin/perl $data_file = "Count"; open(INNUM, "<$data_file") || die "Counter Read Error.......\n"; $counter = ; $counter_new = ($counter + 1); open(OUTNUM, ">$data_file") || die "Counter Write Error.......\n"; print OUTNUM "$counter_new\n"; close(INNUM); close(OUTNUM); $EntryNo = $counter_new; $kind= $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}; $datacapa = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; read(STDIN, $visitor, $datacapa); @group = split(/&/, $visitor); foreach $ans (@group) {($name, $value) = split(/=/, $ans); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%(..)/pack("c", hex($1))/ge; $ok_visitor{$name} = $value;} $vname = $ok_visitor{'name'}; $vage = $ok_visitor{'age'}; $vsex = $ok_visitor{'sex'}; $vEmail = $ok_visitor{'Email'}; $vfield = $ok_visitor{'field'}; $vinteresting = $ok_visitor{'interesting'}; $vComment =$ok_visitor{'Comment'}; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print ""; print "$visitor\n"; print "

入力は以下の通りです。(CGI PERL)

"; print "
"; print ""; print "
"; print "

登録しました。"; print "

ブラウザの「戻る」でまえの画面に戻ってください。"; print ""; @kojindata = ( "entry $EntryNo", "name $vname", "age $vage", "sex $vsex", "Email $vEmail", "field $vfield", "interesting $vinteresting", "Comment $vComment"); $output_file = "databank"; open(OUT, ">>$output_file") || die "Write Error.......\n"; print OUT "@kojindata\n"; close(OUT); 参考文献とURL ============= http://www.freepascal.org/fpc/ http://home.interlink/~ipfr_cat/ Niklaus Wirth著「アルゴリズム+データ構造=プログラム」 Charles Calvert著「Delphi2.0j - 32bitパワープログラミング」(インプレス)